The Knox Mission Statement To share Christ with Others is taken seriously and literally by our congregation. We support the following local, national, and international missions and charities with prayer, volunteer hours, monetary donations,…
At Knox we have ministries to support youth, children and families to form faith for life. On this page you can find information about our Sunday School Youth and Young Adults activities Vacation Bible School…

The Robertson Group meets monthly from September to June on the 4th Thursday of the month, starting at 12:30 pm, with everyone bringing a bag lunch. The group meet as a community in response to…

Yes! I’m interested in joining a Bible Study Group.

Hospitality has always been part of our lives at Knox and is an important ministry. Hospitality provides refreshments every Sunday morning after church service, allowing members and guests to gather, socialize and share their faith.…

The Knox Events Committee has been operating in its current format for approximately 9 years. The current committee formed as Knox’s congregation looked at ways to celebrate its vibrant sense of community as it finished…

The Ministry of Greeting has been a vital component to the successful evangelism of ‘Sharing Christ with Others’ at Knox. We are always looking for more volunteers to help with greeting each Sunday as we…

Stephen Ministries has been in operation at Knox since November of 2010 when the first class of Stephen Ministers began to meet. The following will give you some information about the program and what has…

The Knox Pastoral Care Team is Here to Help We have a team of Pastoral Care Visitors who are available to bring encouragement and support on a regular basis. We provide support to those in…
In obedience to our Lord’s command and example we observe two sacraments, Baptism and Holy Communion. These are visible expressions of the Gospel given as means of entering and sustaining the Christian Life. Baptisms We…