The Milton Congregation came into existence on July 24th 1855, when Boston Presbyterian Church and Milton Presbyterian Church were joined as a preaching station. Prior to this, residents in Milton travelled to Boston for Sunday services. The mode of transportation would have been by horse in one fashion or another or by walking.
Milton members decided it was time to have their own worship building. However, this union or relationship between the two churches lasted until 1887.
Rev. James Mitchell, from Edinburgh, Scotland was ordained and inducted. He exerted a strong Christian influence through his friendly manner to everyone. Rev. Mitchell preached at the opening of the new stone church located at 103 Martin Street.
Rev. Donald Stewart was inducted March 1869 and left eleven months later.
Rev. John Eadie, known as a faithful, zealous pastor for both congregations. He attended the first General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada in 1875 – union of Presbyterian Churches

Rev. Malcolm C. Cameron resigned when the Boston and Milton charge decided to separate in 1887. Rev. Cameron was instrumental in increasing the attendance of the Sunday school.
Note: at this time the “Old Kirk” – St. Andrew’s (Church of Scotland) closed and united with Knox.
The Congregation felt that with growing worship needs a more suitable site for a new church building was desirable.

Rev. Robert Haddow was our first Minister after becoming a self-sustaining church. It was under his leadership that the construction of our present building occurred as well as the addition of the Sunday school building.

Rev. Albert Mahaffy whose ministry highlighted evangelism and finances within the church. Many who were not members joined Knox during this time through his efforts.

Rev. Edward F. McLaren Smith was inducted on May 15, 1900.
We note that the first St. Patrick’s Day Bazaar was held while he was Pastor and became an annual event for many years.

Rev. William Morrison McKay has been the longest serving Minister at Knox – almost 20 years. His faithful service was long remembered by all. Both the mortgage on the church and the addition were paid off during Rev. McKay’s Ministry.

Rev. W. Daniel McIntosh inducted March 27, 1924. However, he left when the vote by the congregation for church union with the Methodist was lost as he favoured union.

Rev. James Nevin McFaul was serving when Knox held the first Halton Music Festival event in our church; similar events are still occurring. The Depression created concerns regarding costs; meetings were held in the Church vestibule (narthex).

Rev. John Riddell inducted May 30, 1938. He held the first Christmas Sunday evening Candle Light Service. The Rev. Riddell dedicated our two flag stands during World War II.

Rev. Edward J. Phinn inducted on March. 31, 1947. Unfortunately, Rev. Phinn’s health became a problem and he had to resign in April 1950.

Rev. Ernest Orsborn assisted in developing program activities for the Young People’s Society. During his leadership Knox celebrated its centennial (1855-1955) and a history booklet was produced, the nursery and kindergarten program began, the first church secretary was appointed.

Rev. J. K. L. McGown began his ministry at Knox in June. He continued with progress in various aspects of church programing activities and operation. Both Rev. McGown and Rev. Murray assisted with religious training at the E. C. Drury School for the Deaf.

Rev. John McInnes Murray emphasized the family atmosphere at Knox. Family outdoor services were held along with other activities, membership grew reaching 481 during his ministry. He set up a Knox newsletter with updates published quarterly. He served during the Centenary of The Presbyterian Church in Canada (PCC) celebration, and under his watch, the Knox History Book 1855-1975 was published. A Bursary Fund for theological students was set up to assist those furthering their careers.

Rev. Trevor Lewis who particularly appreciated quiet prayer just prior to each worship service. Quite often he would visit our shut-ins on Sunday afternoon and share with them the celebration of Communion. Rev. Lewis was very well liked by all connected with Knox. His son, Rev. Mark Lewis, attained the position as Moderator of the General Assembly of the PCC, in 2002.

Rev. Noble Dean inducted in January, was compassionate about troubled youth. He resigned and left the ministry for training in counselling youth in the school system. It was during his time that Knox retained Colleen Smith as our Diaconal Minister to lead our church school and family ministry. In 2000, she attained full status as a Minister in the Presbyterian Church of Canada leaving Knox in 2002.

Rev. W. Rod Lewis inducted January 31 1995, like his predecessors, always put great effort into preparation of sermons, always conscious of his responsibility to the Lord to teach scripture and its application to our daily lives. He also served as Chaplain for the Milton Fire Department, where he counselled personnel.

Rev. Joseph Gray inducted February 9, was adept at bringing the Old and New Testaments together showing the presence of the Lord throughout the Bible. He welcomed everyone, without exception, with a special passion for marginalised people. During his time, the first major rebuild of the choir loft was completed.

Rev. Howard T. Sullivan inducted Sept. 10, led the congregation through a difficult time during the restoration of our historic sanctuary while caring for our congregation in its faith journey. Pastor Sullivan always exhibited compassion, understanding and support for our church family and those in the Milton community, in hospital or at Allendale Long Term Care Home. The church Sunday school programs also became a major, vibrant part of our faith from birth to teens.