At Knox we have ministries to support youth, children and families to form faith for life.
On this page you can find information about our
Who is Sunday School for?
Sunday School is for Elementary aged Children (Including Kindergarden) and Older children and teenagers can assist during the lessons as LITS. (Leaders in Training)
Younger Children are welcome to attend and participate if accompanied by a parent/guardian.
What happens at Sunday School?
Each week the kids will share in songs, hear stories from the Bible and participate in activities like games and craft.
The Sunday School kids also periodically prepare and share items in the main worship service. (Typically at Christmas and Easter)
When & Where
Sunday School typically runs every Sunday as part of the normal worship services @ Knox. Families start the service together and then head down to Sunday School after the Kid’s Song. (Typically about 10 minutes in to the service)
Sunday School typically runs down the stairs in the Lower Hall.(Basement Level)
Is there any Cost?
Sunday School is free program.
Can I accompany my child to Sunday School?
You are most welcome to do so. (And extra adult help is always appreciated)
Family Resources
Each week we email out a short family devotional activity that ties into what was covered during Sunday School.
Sent to parent/guardian listed on attached registration form.
Youth and Young Adults
We run weekly programs for Youth and Young adults, with a different activity running each week.
The main activities that run are:
Youth Socials @ Knox Time and location varies
A time to have fun together and celebrate the end of the week.
Gaming Group: (7:30pm -> 9pm @ Knox)
Social time: Switch, VR and Board/Card Games
Faith+Life (7:30pm -> 9pm @ Knox)
Study & Discussion on issues of faith, life, history and the Bible.
Our Youth Group Program for Fall 2023 is:
22 September
Youth Bowling Social
29 September
Faith+Life: War & Peace
6th October
Gaming Group
13th October
Faith+Life: Rights & Wrongs
20 October
Spooky Crafts Social
27 October
Faith+Life: Rich & Poor
3rd November
Gaming Group
10th November
Faith+Life: Power & Humility
17th November
Laser Tag Social
Vacation Bible School:
Vacation Bible School is run by Knox Presbyterian Church every summer with a large number of members of the congregation adults, and youth, volunteering in a variety of roles from teaching Bible lessons, preparing snack, leading groups, leading games, setting up the environment, leading interactive worship, and many others.
All the volunteers work together to make a memorable, fun, and faith-filled adventure over a week for children ages 4-11.
Leading with Care:
In order to ensure the safety of children, youth, families, and volunteers, we use the Presbyterian Church in Canada leading with Care document and do screening of all potential volunteers. For more information on the Leading with Care Policy it can be found here:
Book Corner
Did you know that Knox has a small library available to all members of the congregation? The Book Corner located in the Upper Hall contains Bibles, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction, DVD, and CDs all available free to borrow for short periods of time. The Knox Book Corner contains book and media for young and old alike. No matter what you’re looking for, Christian Fiction, Non-Fiction, a different translation of the Bible, commentary and even Church History you can find it in the Knox Book Corner.
Find out more about our family and youth programs